Thursday, January 28, 2010

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By Jane Apple

Even though numbers are getting for Wall Street, jobless rates continue to hurt the economy. While job opportunities do exist, the competition is getting tougher as more people in every industry imaginable vie for select positions. Its well known that having a higher education will give most candidates an edge over those without. As online college degree programs gain in popularity due to their convenience and often cost advantage, questions come up concerning how they compare to the traditional campus based university degrees. While the U.S. Department of Labor sees some light at the end of the downtrodden economic tunnel, predicting that all seven of the ma! jor job categories will expand in terms of job opportunity over the next decade, many future students will ask themselves if their diploma was earned online or at a campus university?

The Trends: While the internet has been around for some time now, online schools have not. And those that were around didn't draw the same number of applicants as did campus-based schools. In the last seven years though, those numbers have changed. According to a Sloan Consortium survey of online courses the number of people enrolled in online courses has more than doubled since 2002 and that the number of enrollees increased by more than 12 percent last year to nearly 4 million.

While in years past some employers cast a negative eye towards applicants with online degrees, the number of quality online schools has significantly improved the general perception of degrees from these schools.

How Grads with Online College Degrees Can Flourish: Employers conce! rns over an online degree generally stem from whether or not i! ts from an accredited degree program and the teaching methods utilized. Fortunately for students currently looking for accredited online college degree programs, there are a number of resources to assist with the filtering process. A simple online college search of accredited degree programs will deliver a host of results, including resource sites that show provide information on several accredited colleges at once. Sites including the Council for Higher Education Accreditation's maintain databases of more than 7,000 degree-granting and non-degree-granting institutions in addition to 17,000 programs that are accredited by United States accrediting organizations.

Businesses Educate Online: Online training courses have become more commonplace in businesses " especially large corporations. It saves costs as employers don't have to pay for travel or training facilities, and it classes can often be attended a few hours at a time meaning lost time shouldn't be much of an issu! e. wrote, Today there's a good chance employees at a large corporation are themselves online students, maybe even the hiring manager. In a 2007 research study by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) over 70% of the respondent companies offered tuition reimbursement for online degrees from regionally accredited colleges,.

Its all about the interview anyway regardless of whether a degree came from an online school or campus based institution, its important to showcase ones academic track record and how it pertains to the position applied for. Showing a potential employer the actual hard copies of transcripts, graded assignments, and research will serve well during the interview showing tangible evidence that highlight an online learning experience.

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

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By Nichole Faux

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to become clairvoyant? Chances are that if the thought has ever crossed your mind, you probably already are. Everyone has had those experiences when they have dreamed of something and then it happened. Perhaps you have had a 'bad' feeling before only to discover that you were right. You know that feeling of 'deja vu' you often get? That is another example of clairvoyant ability.

The truth is that most people have to learn to further develop their abilities before they become really good at knowing and feeling certain things. So yes, you too can further develop your very own ! existing clairvoyant abilities.

However, first you need to understand the you do have these natural inborn powers, everyone does. For instance, think about all those times when you knew something before it even happened. Consider how many times this has happened for you and then realize that these are natural free powers, which is the reason for the title of this article being free clairvoyance.

In order to enhance your clairvoyant abilities, you must learn more about the subject. Simply knowing a little bit more about exactly what it is and how you can divert your energies toward making it a more prominent part of your personality is really all it takes.

Remember, if you do not use it you will lose it, this saying applies to clairvoyance as well. As you focus on its development more intensely, it is easier to tune into your spiritual self as well as enable you to pick up on events much easier than not.

Some think that you! must be psychic to have clairvoyant powers or the ability to ! develop them, others think that it is some power of evil or associated with witchcraft and other things. On the contrary, clairvoyance is a natural power that everyone has to some degree or another; however, many people learn to restrain their powers because of outside influences.

While you were young you may have noticed your abilities to feel, sense or think of things that later came into reality. Children show clairvoyant capabilities more so than adults since they are full or innocent, positive energy and are highly receptive. Unfortunately, for many children, their parents or other elders convince them that this power is simply their imagination and then they start believing that there is no place for this power in the real world or that it does not exist at all.

You have more than likely repressed your own clairvoyant capabilities as you grew up; however, you do still have them. By choosing to develop your powers further you enable yourself to not onl! y make logical decisions but decisions based on those things you feel inside yourself that come to you from the universe.

Highly clairvoyant people enjoy lives filled with joyful light. However, you must remove negativity from your life when you want to enhance your natural abilities. Everyone experiences negativity, however by learning to shut it out and turning to something positive is essential.

Doing so helps you block out negative thoughts that disrupt your inner sense of peace and contentment. As you consider your life today is it full of confusing turmoil? When you learn how to focus your energies in order to clear away all the disturbing qualities of your life and then you will be able to gain the mental clarity and peace of mind and soul you seek.

Clairvoyance offers us the chance to return to real happiness and live in a world where no negativity can bring us down. If offers us the gift of sight, feeling, and harmony. This is! 'free clairvoyance' because you do not need to pay someone el! se to in terpret the messages you receive. All of us already have this power, we just need to learn how to use it!

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

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By Aaron Scott

I've been using the Internet to meet potential dates for a long time now. There are many benefits of dating online, but you'll need to know a few guidelines to follow in order to succeed.

A few tweaks in your strategy can go such a long way. They'll make much more of a difference than you'd ever think. Avoid the mistakes that others make, and you'll be really far ahead of the game.

You might not even n! otice what you're doing wrong, as most people don't. I know that I didn't realize a single thing until I tried doing things differently. From there, it was all smooth sailing.

The first thing I'd tell you to do is to read the profiles that members of the same gender create. I know this sounds weird, but think about it logically. This is your competition and you need to know what you're up against.

If you were starting a business, would you disregard what any competing businesses were doing in your space? Of course not! Online dating should be treated no differently. In doing this, you'll know exactly what all of your prospective dates are looking at all day, and you'll know how to stand out.

The worst thing you can do in the online dating world is to blend right in with everything else. By not standing out, you'll be minimizing your chances of getting contacted.

Therefore, you should definitely take measures to make yourse! lf seem more interesting than everyone else. Have some fun wit! h your p rofile and speak to them like you'd speak to a friend. Otherwise, you'll simply blend in.

Doing these things can make a much bigger difference than you'd ever imagine. Try it out, and you'll see for yourself.

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By Bobbi Landfried

I met Jay in June 1977 when he came to our home to meet my husband, a well known certified hypnotherapist. Jay was hoping to be able to study under him. As an astrologer, I asked him for his date, time and place of birth so I could do his chart. After about a minute I made a startling discovery and returned to tell him what I had found. I think Jay found this a little strange but I said to him, Something special is going to happen to you soon. You will be! guided there and this experience will change your life and someone you know will be there to observe.

Eventually, Jay met my husband and they worked together for some time. Jay had some blood pressure and stress issues so they did three hypnosis sessions together to sort the problem. Later on, they started to study together and Lee gave Jay perhaps seven to ten books per week to read; ever expanding Jays mind on cultures and beliefs, mind sciences and cult influences, and much more. He also recommended classes; the Loving Relationship Training by Sondra Lee and a series by Theta Seminars on Metaphysics.

Jay started to attend a class called Spiritual Psychology taught by a husband and wife team from Missouri. They had been into natural healing, natural childbirth with doctors and absolutely unique concepts for a period in time.

Most of Jays friends thought he was crazy to be attending classes like that on weekends when he could have be! en water skiing, boating, enjoying life, playing with women at! bars, o r just getting drunk like some of his clients. But, Jay was happy with studying Metaphysics and Healing.

It was at the second Theta Seminar that the special event occurred. It was August 1977 and Jay was in the classroom which was in a loft on 22nd Street in New York City. In the class, they had discussed the cycles of birth and death and their influence on the soul. They did some breathing, meditation and thinking about their own birth.

Jay remembered that his life was traumatic, as his mother had gone into a coma and he was born two months premature. Then, he suddenly realized that he was meant to be born early; his weight was already 8 lbs. 15 ounces and his mother was too tiny at 411 to handle the Big Guy coming into the world.

He was able to forgive himself for wearing out his mother at birth with his size and weight. He forgave his mother for being unconcient at his birth and missing his first two weeks of life on Earth. What an e! xperience it was for him. Feeling the forgive-ness made Jay feel lighter.

The next part of the class was the chanting and rocking session. Jay was still feeling that lightness as the group of six in his team began elevating and rocking him to music and chants. One at a time, the team was lifting each person up and then rocking the fully elevated person before slowly returning them down to the ground.

Back then Jay weighed 280 pounds and there they were, trying to get him up in the air. He felt as light as a feather, totally relaxed as he was rocked back and forth. During the session the window was open and suddenly a strange cool-damp breeze came through into the room, exactly where they were rocking Jay. A bolt of what appeared to be lightning hit Jay at the top of his head. The group pulled their hands away and he floated down to the ground.

Then Jay slowly opened his eyes and touched the top of his head. It felt warm. As he sat up, ! he was surprised to see me standing over him, looking at him. ! He remem bered what I had said to him when we first met, And someone you know will be there to observe. Jay closed his eyes and his head was filled with ideas and formulas and concepts and the words just know that you know.

From that moment, he knew the past, present and the future. He foresaw floods, tornados, the economic crisis of 2007- on ... he was frightened, but understood. He knew about others just by looking at their faces, their eyes or from their handwriting. And there is so much more that he knew he would come know.

The question for Jay in all of this is, if there is so much that he knows, then how can he use it to help others throughout the rest of his life?

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There's only one way to discover the "health" of your credit. You need to examine your credit report. Your credit report is your "consumer identity" that potential lenders! will use to judge your credit worthiness.

Use these tips to give your credit profile the "tune-up" it needs for 2004.

Tip #1- Check for Errors Your credit report or profile is more than just a collection of who your creditors are and how much you owe them or have paid them.

The first thing you need to do is carefully check that your credit report is accurate. Nearly 70% of credit reports contain errors.

These errors may be as simple as an incorrect middle initial or address. Or it could be as serious as a creditor reporting that you were late with a payment when in fact you were not late at all.

This error might not seem like a big deal to you. However,to a future lender like a mortgage company it makes a big difference !

Carefully examine your credit report and if you find an error contact your creditor and the credit bureaus. Catch and correct these errors now before it hurts your chances of securing credit i! n the future.

Tip #2 - Correcting Errors The two most ! common e rrors contained in credit reports are:

1) wrong account information

2) incorrect recording of late payments.

If you find an account reported that does not belong you, you need to contact the credit grantor or issuer immediately. Remember, finding accounts that you have not personally opened is a sign of possible identity theft.

Hopefully you'll discover that this error is nothing more than an oversight and not an identity theft problem. Most often this occurs when they report an account belonging to a family member or someone with a similar name on your credit report.

If your problem is an error in reporting a late payment you will need proof to back up your case before this error can be corrected or removed. The most common error occurs when a payment is reported as "late" when it was actually a current or "on time" payment.

In either case, the problem can and should be corrected. You will need to correct t! he error in writing. Keep a journal or log of all calls and correspondence.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires the credit bureaus and the agency reporting the information to the credit bureau to correct inaccurate information in your credit report. Therefore, it is important that you contact both the credit bureau and the creditor whose information is in dispute.

A sample letter is included here to help you in correcting your credit profile. Make sure that you clearly identify the information that you dispute, include copies of receipts or documents that support your position. Then request that the information be corrected or deleted from your file.

Send your letter by certified mail and request a return receipt from the recipient. Keep all correspondence that you mail out. Give the agencies involved 30 days to begin their investigation. You can call them but be aware that phoning them does not protect your consumer rights! You must notify! them in writing to protect your rights.

They must not! ify you of the results of their investigation. Although the process will take time, it's important to do it. This is your credit profile, your "consumer identity" that is at stake. Don't expect an error to correct itself.

At your request, the credit bureaus must send notices of corrections to your credit profile to anyone who has requested your report in the last six months. If you applied for a job and were turned down because of inaccurate information in your credit report, you can have the corrected report mailed to anyone who received a copy in the past two years.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sample Dispute Letter Date

Your Name Your Address Your City, State, Zip Code

Complaint Department Name of Credit Reporting Agency Address City, State, Zip Code

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing to dispute the following information in my file. The items I dispute are also encircled on the attached copy of the report I received. ! (Identify item(s) disputed by name of source, such as creditors or tax court, and identify type of item, such as credit account, judgment, etc.)

This item is (inaccurate or incomplete) because (describe what is inaccurate or incomplete and why). I am requesting that the item be deleted (or request another specific change) to correct the information.

Enclosed are copies of (use this sentence if applicable and describe any enclosed documentation, such as payment records, court documents) supporting my position. Please reinvestigate this (these) matter(s) and (delete or correct) the disputed item(s) as soon as possible.

Sincerely, Your name

Enclosures: (List what you are enclosing)

Originally Posted at


Tip #3 - Budget Planning You can also use your credit report to help you plan and implement a personal budget. Your ! credit report will show you where you are spending your hard e! arned do llars. While the credit card balances may not be completely current, you''ll still see which of your cards has the highest balance outstanding.

If you have more than one major credit card you should compare the annual percentage rate (APR) you are paying on each account. If you are working on a budget to "pay down" your credit cards, start by paying down the one with the highest APR or interest.

Once that credit account is paid off, move toward paying off the account with the second highest APR. Using this method you will be able to concentrate your efforts toward paying down your outstanding credit obligations.

You should also check with your credit card company to see what's the best annual percentage rate (APR) they can offer you. If you are a good customer, you can often qualify for a lower rate than what you are currently being offered.

Caution: Ask if the new rate you are getting is a "promotional" rate or a "con! tract" rate. A promotional rate will expire at the end of the promotional term, for example 6 months. A contract rate does not have an "expiration" as long as you continue to meet the terms outlined by your creditor for that rate.

Tip #4 - Making a major purchase If you are considering a major purchase such as a car or a home, checking your credit report gives you the chance to see what a potential lender sees and uses to judge your credit worthiness.

You want to make sure that your credit report is accurate before you apply for that sports car or new home. Errors or problems can be corrected before your lender can use those against you and deny your credit request. You'll also have a better idea of what type or rate of credit you should expect from a potential lender.

Tip #5 - Check your credit report regularly Check your credit report regularly. Guard your "consumer identity" as you would anything else you treasure. Use you! r credit wisely, along with these tips, and you will enjoy the! benefit s that your good credit and your good name deserve now - and for years to come.

© 2004,
Author: James H. Dimmitt.
James is editor of "TO YOUR CREDIT", a weekly free newsletter. Subscribe to the newsletter by visiting', 127, 'How Healthy Is Your Credit, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credit, Credit Information', 'How Healthy Is Your Credit plus articles and information on Credit'

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